Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association


                        General Meeting -  September 9, 2017




Tom Noble  -      President

Lee Taylor   -     V. P.

Jim Gallagher – Treasurer

Rex Touslee   -   Secretary

Jim Milner  -     Chair - West Festival & Webmaster

Gerry Carroll  – Chair -  East Festival

June Noble   -   Chair -   Registration

Jack Martin  -    IPP


10:00 am    -  Call to order


Recognition of departed friends

Respectful rendition of The Old Songs in their memory


Treasurer’s Report – Jim Gallagher

The Festival in Mesa – April -2017 broke even.

Financial condition is good – check book balance -$6,546.50

Report made a part of the BOD meeting minutes.


Actions taken since last meeting


Ownership of BQPA Google Group email has been transferred to Tom Noble, with Bernie Esberner and Jack Martin as co-manager.


West Festival – Jim Milner

Contract for April, 2018, with same hotel in Mesa has been signed – same arrangements as 2017.

Room rate $89.00/night

Transportation options to the hotel from the airport are now on the website


East Festival  -  Gerry Carroll


Thanks to Dave Brady for handling the golf for this weekend.

Discussion of the arrangements with this hotel for this weekend. - room rate was raised to $89.25 / night  - no charge for singing room -  free beer.                                                                                                                                         


Asked all to be generous to hotel staff – helps during negotiations with management.


Saturday night dinner will be at Stacy’s again


Registrar’s Report   -   June Noble


Average member attendance per festival is 61


The donations thermometer has been effective – donations have increased at last three festivals.


Please register – need the information for planning purposes


BQPA materials are for sale at the Registration Table.


Communications and Public Relations  -   Tom Noble


Flyers and cards have been placed at strategic locations at BHS functions and at the MAD district functions.


Has produced an instruction sheet to sign on to our Google Groups email.


BQPA has a FaceBook page.


We have a mutual working relationship with AHSOW, to announce each others events and activities, as exchanged viapress releases.


There has been a response to the advertisement for someone to fill a Public Relations position – Jordan Busboom has accepted - he is a professional in graphics, is now the Public Relations & Marketing person for the CARD district of BHS.   He will be appointed to the fill that role for BQPA.


Thanks to Frank Fliszar – now have 359 members on the BQPA membership list – there were 41 members at the Friday night contest.


Board Decisions


Raymond Schwarzkopf is having considerable difficulty in obtaining quartets for the Saturday night shows.   Two quartets that have agreed to appear tonight are coming here from another performance just to perform for us, for no fee.                               


Raymond is now attempting to book quartets for next year’s Saturday night show.


To locate the old songs that Robbie Neal has placed on the internet go to his channelin YouTube:  Spaguy62.


Jim Milner:   Points out that he has put a link to Robbie’s site on the BQPA website under the Quartet Encouragement tab.  And reminds everyone that he has also placed Paul Olguin’s presentation on Woodshedding there as well.


Tom Noble:   The link to the supplier of our shirts and other clothing items has been removed from our website, at the request of the supplier.  But members can still get BQPA shirts and other items from them at Righteous Clothing, via the internet.  (Helpful instructions will be forthcoming)


Jack Martin:   requests that our Board of Directors ask the BHS to advertise their organization at our Festivals.    Tom Noble states that he has had one on one conversations with several high level BHS people including more than one President, making that request.


Tom Noble:  


* Informed all that we may have a date conflict with the AZ Division of FWD in April of 2019.   The FWD was considering changing the date of the AZ Div. Contest to be the same as our Festival in order to accommodate the large numbers of ‘Snow Birds’ that want to leave AZ earlier.   Bernie Esberner, Adam Kauffman , members of the Mesa, AZ chapter, along with Festival Chairman Jim Milner, will be working on our behalf to hopefully resolve the conflict.  At the time of this meeting, it appeared that the conflict was resolved for 2018.


*  Reminds all of the raffle tickets available at the registration table for a drawing for the CDs that have been donated by John Olson.   $2.00 per ticket – funds go to our treasury.


*  Our ‘donation bucket’ is now at 60% of the what is needed to cover the expense of this weekend.


*  Urges all to email the hotel when you get home, thanking them and complimenting the staff.   This really helps us when we plan for next year.



Lee Taylor:   Heads the Nominations Committee.  Some of the Board of Directors and our committee chairs may need to be rotated in times to come, and his committee is considering succession plans.  Lee asks for volunteers to come forward and express willingness and interest in leadership positions.


Board Decisions cont’d.


Gerry Carroll:   Recognizes Tom and June Noble for all that they do for the BQPA.   Comments on the group from WI and IL that meets for dinner, once a month, to sing in quartets.   Urges all to drop the term ‘woodshedding’ when telling someone about the BQPA, as it is his opinion that this term is misleading because that is really not all of what we do at a Festival and is sometimes a discouragement to creating an interest in a prospective member.


General discussion among the attendees of the evolution of the Barbershop style and comments that there is now less and less informal singing within the BHS.


11:06   Moved and seconded for adjournment.