BOARD   MEETING    Sept. 6,  2018

IPP:   Jack Martin
President:   Tom Noble
V.P. : Lee Taylor
Sec. :   Rex Touslee
Treasurer:   Jim Gallagher
V.P.  West :  Jim Milner,  Bernie Esberner
V. P.  East:   Gerry Carroll ,   Raymond Swartzkopf
Membership :   Frank Flizar 

Open:   Tom @ 1:50pm

Recognition of Departed friends with solemn rendition of The Old Songs. 

Motion to dispense  with the reading of minutes of last meeting- Jim Milner, 2nd by Jack Martin. Passed.

Treasurers Report – Jim Gallagher-

*   Balance continues to go up – now $7436.08.   - Jim passed out copy of his report

*   Discussion – this balance is too high -  no conclusion reached for action to rectify.

*   Jack M. :   The thermometer on registration table has been effective to achieve more donations.

We need to find ways to effectively spend some money – to support our mission of BQPA.

Motion to accept Jack’s proposal – seconded – approved 

Actions since last meeting – Tom

* He has sent  get well card to Pete Tyree

* Has compiled the list of BQPA Gold Medal winners – almost complete to 1989.

* Insurance for Events -completed/done.  - $201

* Received notice from Stu Willcox that Incorporation of BQPA in Nevada has been renewed.  Stu declined reimbursement,  as his contribution to BQPA.   Tom has obtained the Articles of Incorporation for BQPA.

* Has completed the Job Descriptions – the inventory of our physical items – and noted where we obtain the shirts and pins. 

Jim Milner discussed the webpage – 5 pages -  membership is now available.   Password is:  Pioneers.

West Festival – Jim Milner 

* Possible dual role for Bernie Esberner – being a V.P. as well as Asst. West Festival Chairman.

*   Contract with Holiday Inn/Mesa has been difficult – then they raised room rate from $89 to $140. Meeting room went from $200 up to $250.   Bernie had been there recently – no AC.    Considered trying to go back to Embassy Suites in Tempe :   They now want $150/room and $500 for meeting room.   Jim has inspected and talked to the Dobson Ranch Inn:   their facilities are OK... Rooms - $78 +tax – Meeting room would be $200/day- has a renovated dining room, pool, hot tub – restaurant on site – free breakfast included -bar on site.

Jim has inspected and talked to the Tempe Inn and Suites:    Has airport shuttle – lots of dinning room space – close to airport – free breakfast -  social hour provided by the Inn with free beer.   Rooms are $92 + tax -  meeting room rent is  $50/day.  His opinion:   older facility but adequate for us.

Discussion by Gerry Carroll:   We don’t need super fancy – this sounds good to him. has a golf course close-by.

Jim M:   he has looked at a sleeping room – very adequate.   The meeting room is in a separate building, it seats 80 people +/- and it has a stage.  Will suit our needs.

Bernie:   This property is very convenient and reasonably priced. 

Gerry C. :   He agrees with Bernie and recommends that we book it.   Made a motion to do so – Lee Taylor 2nd.   Passed unanimously.

Jim Milner:    His wife’s health is not the best and next April will be his last as West Festival VP.   But will continue with the Webmaster duties.


Rex:   Does not feel that the duties of Festival mandate, totally, that the VP be a  local member.

Gerry C. :   Disagrees with that. 

Lee Taylor:    suggests that Bernie take over the West VP duties, and will have assistance from Jim, as needed.   Bernie agrees to do that.

Discussion of the Italian – American Club dinner on Weds. evening.   Jim says that this is not going to be possible any longer.   Bernie suggests that perhaps an alternative can be found in SE Phoenix.   Agreeable to all.

East Festival – Gerry Carroll 

All is the same with the Best Western in Hillside, IL.  Same room rate and  no changes for singing room cost. – ownership likes us.

Raymond S:   The hotel is now operating in a corporate style – negotiations were not as easy -  no longer free beer, will now be $1.25 / can.  Will use a sign at the beer station. “ Donation of $1.25 “ which he expects will cover the expense.    

Tom :   He has noted some upgrades in the hotel – new furniture and pictures which with may lead to price increase.

Gerry:  Has had a discussion with Jim Jarouz about being his successor as East VP.  No commitment. 

Raymond :    He has had many difficulties with staging the Saturday night shows.    Has had last minute cancellations after they agreed to be there.   Has contacted many quartets.    This year the SAIs are in Wisconsin for a training weekend and the Harmony Inc. group is in St. Louis for same thing.  He’s hoping these conflicts are for this year only.  One of the quartets that will be on this year’s show will likely do some modern harmony.  All agreed that we have sufficient internal talent to stage a more than adequate show.   All thanked Raymond for his efforts.

Webmaster Report 

There has been an exchange of ‘ thumb drives’ for backup on the site.

Jim and Bernie:      The website has been moved from Go Daddy hosting to Bernie’s personal server and all is working well.   There will be a nominal payment from BQPA to Bernie for this service but will be a savings from Go Daddy. 

Jim:   He is now using One Drive – cloud service.

Tom / Bernie:   agree that our data is more than adequately backed up and safe from a disaster loss. 

Jim:   He will continue as Webmaster.

Tom and Jim:   The Job Description for Webmaster has been completed and posted on the website. 

Tom:    He believes that our website needs some upgrading to improve the look to the public.  

Bernie:   He will contact a web designer that he used for his company and get an estimate of costs.   He has always been reasonable.  Discussion followed – what can and should be done. 

Motion by Jim M. that Bernie contact this person, get an estimate of costs.  2nd. By Gerry C.  - passed.



Tom and Frank exchange thumb drives.

Frank:   Now have 375 members. 

*   Members are not registering their attendance so it’s difficult to get a good count.

*    Have all the forms available to do so. 

Tom asks:    Will Frank continue as Membership Chair – Frank says yes but needs a backup.  Tom commends Frank on the good job he has done on Membership.

Gerry C. :    Were the email addresses used to notify members of upcoming Festivals ?    Tom and Frank reply – yes and invalid email addresses have been deleted. 

Jack M. :   Comments on the new Quartet Organization being formed.  Asks – should we be sending out notices etc., to promote the BQPA ??   Said we need to improve our promotion efforts.



Tom :   Registration for 2018  Mesa Festival – 61

Discussion of handout.

Communication and Public Relations 

Raymond S. :   As of July 1, 2018 – Google Groups has changed – could now create a mail list using our now Google list and BQPA member list --- membership in BQPA grants assents to receiving email from BQPA.

Tom has not been able to contact Jordan Busboom for several months regarding his agreement to do
P. R. for BQPA.    And....we are now using Google Groups and FaceBook for communications. 

Discussion of By Laws and Articles of Incorporation:   

Jack Martin:   Questions – do we want to continue as a Subsidiary of BHS  ??   All agreed:  Yes we do.

Nominating Committee: 

Lee Taylor:    Both of the Festivals are now taken care of.   He appreciates Bernie agreeing to take on the  V.P. position as well as the West Festival Chair,  so that he can take on the President’s role.

****   Back to Treasury: 

Tom passed out example of business cards we have used in the past.   Question:   maybe we should use these again ??

***** Back to Nominating Committee: 

Lee Taylor:   Asks how are these positions transferred – per the By Laws ??? :

Tom responds:   The President appoints a replacement for himself as President- beginning at conclusion of this Festival.  And then the appointee appoints a replacement for V.P.   All to be approved at the General Meeting on Saturday.

New Business 

Tom suggests that, as a way to spend some of our treasury, we purchase and distribute some ‘ Aqua Clips’.... that clips onto a belt and holds a water bottle.   Would have the BQPA logo.   This was approved by those present, subject to Tom getting quote of costs.  Lee suggested that BQPA contact info be on the clips.

Tom requests approval to purchase 12 BQPA cloth patches to be sold at future Festivals.   All agreed. 

Tom requests approval to purchase some 2nd and 3rd place ribbons for the Qt. contests.   All agreed.

Tom requests approval to ordering 500 business cards to promote BQPA.   All agreed. 
